Herdox – A Natural Herpes Treatment

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Herdox - natural herpes treatmentThere are many cold sore remedies available on the market that treat herpes outbreaks, but there are not many remedies that claim to help prevent outbreaks as well as treat them. Herdox however is one that claims to do just that. Does it really work or is it a scam?

For a full review of Herdox, its side effects, the evidence supporting its claims and where to get it at the lowest possible price read on…

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What is it for?

Herdox is formulated to reduce the duration of a herpes (cold sore) outbreak as well as decrease the likelihood of further outbreaks. According to the manufacturer, it can be used by most people over the age of 6, though pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult with their healthcare professional before taking any supplement.

Is it for Herpes Outbreaks as well as Cold Sores?

The Herpes virus is responsible for both genital herpes and cold sores. Herdox is designed to treat the Herpes virus and therefore should be effective on both conditions.

How does Herdox work?

It is designed to reduce the number of cold sores and/or herpes outbreaks you suffer from, make the outbreaks you do have less severe and reduce the amount of time that outbreaks take to heal. It contains several herbal, vitamin and amino acid ingredients to help it achieve this. The product is a natural herpes treatment unlike Acyclovir and Valtrex.

Several of the ingredients are known to inhibit the reproduction of the virus, as well as boost immune function and improve wound healing. The effective ingredients include:

  • L-lysine – a naturally occurring amino acid
  • Monolaurin – an antiviral substance made from lauric acid (found in breast milk) and glycerine
  • Melissa officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) – the herb Lemon Balm
  • Propolis – a substance made by bees
  • Zinc – a vital mineral used by the body for many functions including immune health.[1]


There are no research studies on the product itself, however many of the ingredients of Herdox have support in the peer reviewed* scientific literature.

One study published in Dermatologica found that “L-Lysine appears to be an effective agent for reduction of occurrence, severity and healing time for recurrent HSV (herpes) infection.”[2]

Bee propolis is high in compounds known as flavonoids and these have antiviral activity and have been found to be helpful for herpes outbreaks when applied in an ointment.[3, 4]

The ingredient Lemon Balm has been shown to have antiviral effects and has specifically been shown to be effective again the herpes virus responsible for cold sores and herpes outbreaks.[5, 6]

Monolauren has been shown to be effective against a broad range of viruses including the herpes virus responsible.[7]

Overall there is a good level of scientific research supporting the ingredients in Herdox as being effective against the herpes virus. Several would also appear to support the manufacturer’s claims that the product can help prevent cold sores and outbreaks as well as heal them more quickly.

* peer reviewed journals require that experts in the subject matter must check an article before it is accepted for publication in the journal.

User Reviews

“Herdox has been a miracle dream pill for me. I haven’t had a single outbreak since I’ve started taking it about four months ago. I used to have continuous outbreaks with no end in sight. I don’t know what I’d do without it. … All I know is that Herdox gave me my life back and I’m happy again.” shrek2 on healthboards.com


  • Offers a prevention as well as helping resolve the cold sore outbreaks faster
  • A natural treatment for herpes containing herbal extracts, selected vitamins and minerals
  • Good scientific support for its ingredients


  • No scientific study of the product itself
  • People with bee allergies may need to exercise caution due to the ingredient propolis

Where to Buy It?

Herdox can only be purchased online directly from the manufacturer, Progressive Health. This does have its advantages because the manufacturer offers a 180 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product in any way. The product is also shipped discretely from their warehouse in plain unmarked packaging to ensure your privacy. Charges on your credit card will show “Progressive Health Inc” and should make no mention of Herdox or herpes.

How to Order from Outside of the US

Herdox can be ordered from the manufacturer’s website for delivery overseas. The company offers a Standard and Express shipping option with the US Postal Service. Delivery times will vary between 5 and 28 days depending on the destination and customs processes. Overseas purchasers should remember that customs and import duties may be payable by them and are not included in the purchase price (as is the case with most products purchased overseas).

The Conclusion

Herdox is a product with many ingredients that have good scientific support for the treatment of Herpes. As such it should be effective against cold sores and herpes outbreaks. This supplement also has potential for preventing cold sores in our opinion. User reviews are supportive of the product.

Ordering direct from the manufacturer gives a 180 day money back guarantee, and your privacy is respected in the shipping and packaging used.


Click Here To Order Herdox At The Lowest Possible Price Online



Disclosure: We are a professional review site that receives compensation from the companies whose products we review. We review each product thoroughly and give recommendations to only the products we feel are the best. We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own.

The facts contained in this article are drawn from our research on forums, message boards, blogs and the manufacturers own site. While we seek to ensure that the information contained herein is accurate, we cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies. Consumers should do their own research before deciding on any course of action.

Nothing on this site should be construed as offering medical or professional advice. Consumers should always consult a qualified health professional for advice in the first instance.

1. Braun, L. and M. Cohen, Herbs and Natural Supplements2010: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier.
2. Griffith, R.S., et al., Success of L-lysine therapy in frequently recurrent herpes simplex infection. Treatment and prophylaxis. Dermatologica, 1987. 175(4): p. 183-90.
3. Schnitzler, P., et al., Antiviral Activity and Mode of Action of Propolis Extracts and Selected Compounds. Phytotherapy Research, 2010. 24(S1): p. S20-S28.
4. Vynograd, N., I. Vynograd, and Z. Sosnowski, A comparative multi-centre study of the efficacy of propolis, acyclovir and placebo in the treatment of genital herpes (HSV). Phytomedicine, 2000. 7(1): p. 1-6.
5. Schnitzler, P., et al., Melissa officinalis oil affects infectivity of enveloped herpesviruses. Phytomedicine, 2008. 15(9): p. 734-40.
6. Mazzanti, G., et al., Inhibitory activity of Melissa officinalis L. extract on Herpes simplex virus type 2 replication. Nat Prod Res, 2008. 22(16): p. 1433-40.
7. Lieberman S, Enig M.G, and P. HG, A Review of Monolaurin and Lauric Acid – Natural Virucidal and Bactericidal Agents. ALTERNATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES, 2006(December).

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